Compared to women, men are attracted visually. You can catch a guy’s attention by wearing good clothes and by starting a good, deep conversation. A woman with a gift of speech can definitely make a man fall in love with her. You will find in this article tips on seducing a man with words.

How to Seduce a Man with Words
Simply flirt with him
There are no magic words to make a man fall for you instantly. There are also men who get scared and back off when they sense that you are aggressive. That is why directly telling a man that you like him is just not the way to do it. Start by simple flirting, and being playful and suggestive. Give him ideas and make him imagine how attracted you are to men like him and how fun you can be when it comes to playing games, in the bed. Knowing how to seduce men with words is a way to get that guy you always dream of fall in love with you.
Compliment him
Men also like being complimented. But unlike women, complimenting men should be simpler, as if you are not actually complimenting them. For example, instead of saying “You are handsome”, you can say “You look good in that jacket”.
Listen to him
We all want someone who will listen to us--same thing with men. Know activities he is fond of doing and things that are important to him. By doing this, you are showing him that you are interested in his life and that he is important to you. You can ask him what important task he is doing right now. You can also ask him about his hobbies and try to learn them too. Learning how to seduce a man with words does not always mean flirting with him. It also means showing interest and care to things that matter to him.
Challenge him
You’ve tried everything but it still did not work. Then why not try to do reverse psychology? Instead of complimenting and telling him you agree with him, why not try to do it the other way? Some men find challenging women attractive. So, try to question his opinions. But do this in a subtle way as you might look aggressive and turn your guy off. Also, keep in mind that not all men will have the same reaction in this tactic.
Be spontaneous
Another way on how to seduce a man with words is by making the situation comfortable for him. Men like women who are spontaneous and who have a good sense of humor. Get out of your shell and be natural, funny and spontaneous. Don’t hold back your funny side; just bring that sunny side of yours shine!
Make eye contact
Making eye contact with the person you are talking to indicates you are sincere with your words. While he is speaking, look at his eyes briefly and then look at him in the other parts of his face. Once it’s your turn to talk, don’t fix your eyes on him. This will make you look more natural and attractive.
Tell him your secret fantasy
Another way on how to seduce a man with words is by asking his help in fulfilling your fantasies. Men get interested when a woman confesses her deepest fantasies to him, especially sexual fantasies. Telling him how you have dreamed of doing it in the elevator would definitely make him intrigued and aroused.
Words to Say to Seduce a Man
Comment his body
Make a list of what you like and what turns you on about your man on your mind. Use this list when you want to set the fire on your bedroom. You can learn how to seduce a man with words by using flirty compliments, like:
"I love your deep, sexy bedroom eyes."
"Your body is so hot; lucky for me to be the only person who can see it without clothes on."
"Your strong shoulders and hard muscles make me feel so secure."
Tell him what you’re wearing
Know what your boyfriend likes about you and send him a message when you are away from each other. If you know that your boyfriend loves seeing your lovely legs, you can tell him that you might be wearing miniskirts for a week because of the warm weather. This will definitely make him think of you the whole time.
Let him take over
Role playing on your sex life can be very exciting. Sending him text messages may not really be outright dirty, but it should still depend on your boyfriend’s preferences. Letting him take over or take control regarding intimate matters on your relationship will definitely arouse him, like sending him a message saying you will let him do whatever he wants tonight.
Support his interests
Behind every successful man is a woman. Another way on how to seduce a man with words is by supporting him with his interests. This is not only sexy but this will also show that you care. Tell him you prepare him his favorite breakfast, or you can start learning his favorite sport and play it with him during weekends.
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