Any helpful advice comes in handy when you are dying for reciprocity. However, your scanty experience in love affairs may seriously diminish your chances. To add extra points to your charm and help you win his heart, here are the entire list of super-efficient techniques (read, your recipes for success) that will show you how to make a boy like you, no matter how long you know each other or how frequently you communicate.

The 16 Golden Rules to Make a Boy Like You

When it comes to getting a boy to fall heels over head for you, there’s no such thing as enough efforts. Try the mighty combination of these proven methods, and who knows, you can get what you want much faster!

Exchange flirty glances

Making the eye contact is a key. Anytime he’s around, make sure to give him a prolonged, interested look and don’t avert your eyes once he looks at you back. The challenge is to give him an idea of your interest without looking maniac. Just before looking away, don’t forget to give him a hardly noticeable smile. He’ll be intrigued!


Pay playful compliments

The clue to how to make a boy like you is to boost his self-esteem, and doing this through inventive compliments is a sure thing. Choose your compliments wisely and use them in context – no random remarks, please. This will prove that you really see him like no other girl around, and make your communication a whole lot easier.


Say his name

Calling him by his name is a magic trick. Without any efforts, it will earn his predisposition, as people tend to grow fonder of someone who acknowledges them. Using this technique, you are bound to state your interest, and will surely encourage him to take a closer look at you.


Do your homework

At the initial stage, your relationship will definitely stem from verbal communication, and you will need some cues about his life, family, hobbies and interests you share. Don’t be shy to learn it from his social pages or ask his friends around – this will surely generate some sort of word-of-mouth, so that he will probably learn about your inquiries faster than you think!


Don’t stalk him

Taking an interest in another person is natural; stalking him wherever he goes is not. You can work out how to bump into him ‘suddenly’ in the street, but don’t overdo this – once in a while, not every day, is quite enough. A moderate use of social media counts as well, don’t try to bug him anytime he’s online. Play it safe.


Don’t pretend to be someone else

This scenario has made so many superb comedies of situations, but remember that you are not in a Hollywood movie, and you are here not to be laughed at. Stay as natural as possible, without trying to seem more beautiful, easy-going, clever, and talented than you are in reality, because ultimately it will just look awkward. When the truth is revealed (and it will!) you will beg for the earth to swallow you, and it can even ruin all your prospects!


Learn to stop

If there is a slightest sign that he wouldn’t return your affection, don’t turn into a psychopath who wants to claim him by any means. Take it with dignity and refrain from further attempts. This approach is likely to earn you bonus points as his potential friend, and from there you could gradually develop a closer relationship.


Encourage him to tell more

All the boys out there like to talk about themselves. Become his number one person to confide in, and be an active listener who knows how to support any subject he may touch upon. If you are really curious about how to make a boy like you, there is hardly a wiser approach than play with his ego.


Find an excuse to ask him out

This may be the toughest part, but it’s actually easier than you think! It shouldn’t necessarily look like asking for a date – invite your friends to join you and let him know expressly that you won’t be there alone and you ask him out just because the night promises to be fun! It can be going to the movies together, or enjoying an afternoon on the beach, or entertaining yourselves at a local skate park. The choice is yours!


Share his hobby

Finding out what makes him tick and joining him in this activity are a killer way to spend more time together and win his attention. Extra points are reserved for beating him at this hobby – if you are good enough, you are likely to strike up some kind of competition, and nothing will ignite his animal impulses more than this!


Be a good listener

This is more than get him talking all about himself. The secret is to be there when he may need it and be the first to listen to him if he goes through a harsh period or just needs a friend to stick around without even talking much. Show him you are ready for him to open up, and after that you can do the same, so that you could both share some confessional moments that bring you together.


Flaunt your talents

No one falls in love with just good looks. You will need to show you have some substance to yourself. This is easy to do when you both talk about art, books, cinema, extracurricular activities, or sports. If you have anything to demonstrate to him right away, invite him to your place or anywhere you practice and revel in these precious moments while he’s beside you.


Help him out

He won’t say this directly to you, but from your circle of common friends you may hear that he needs some help or assistance. Even if you are not sure about how exactly you can be useful, make the first step and state your interest. If you wonder how to make a boy like you, be the one to make his life better and he will surely appreciate it.


Touch him gently

Touches are pretty intimate, but they will help you to get out of that friend zone and show you want more than just talking and having a nice time. If he doesn’t shy away from it, consider it your victory!


Laugh together

If you are lucky to share a similar sense of humor, it speeds up things enormously. Laughing together would be a huge relief for you both, bringing in that sparkly element can start off your romance.


Take it easy

To wrap up, please enjoy these moments and don’t let anything upset you. Every step is an adventure, and you are likely to smile at your misfortunes afterwards if nothing works. But if it all falls together perfectly, there’s no reason to grieve altogether!


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