Hoping to talk to the guy you have a crush on but don’t know how to start the phone conversation? It can be frustrating at the beginning of a relationship or even with your boyfriend if you don’t know what to say over the phone. In fact, the phone is a great way to really get to know each other, especially because you can have less of a concern about how you look in front of someone. Here are tips and easy ways for you to pick up the phone and chat it up with your special guy or girl.

What to Talk About on the Phone with Your Boyfriend
Ask Him About Himself
People love to talk about themselves, so give him a chance to share funny stories or quirky pet peeves about his life. Even if you already know a few, diving deeper into topics you may already have the answers will help you really learn about him. For example, if he likes football, ask which star or team is his favorite. Details about each other's lives will really bring you closer.
Seek His Advice for a Problem
Guys love helping and giving advice because they think they have the answers for most things. Feel free to bring up a small problem at work or school, or even a more personal dilemma. This will help him learn about things going on in your life, and also give him the chance to feel needed and appreciated by you. Guys like this because it helps them feel good about themselves in return.
Find Out His Interests and Passions
What does the guy in your life like to do in his spare time? Does he have passions or goals that he is working to pursue? If you’re not sure what to talk about on the phone, ask him to open up about these things and take a genuine interest in learning more. Maybe you will even find something you can bond over together in your spare time and if not, he’ll be just as excited to share details about his hobbies with you.
Discuss How His Day Went
Especially in the beginning of the relationship, the everyday stuff is very exciting because it allows you to get to know more about each other's lives. So, each time you talk to him, make an effort to ask about how his day went and what happened. The best way to connect with someone is to learn more about their lives first so you can find proper ways to bond. As always, conversations overflow to one another, so let the topics cruise along as you two learn more.
Talk About His Hopes and Dreams
What is he really hoping to accomplish in life? Guys can tend to be very goal-oriented, so talk to him about his dreams and goals. Give some suggestions and be supportive about him achieving his ambitions.
Get a Little Naughty
A fun thing to dive into when you need help with what to talk about on the phone is some naughty conversation. Without being too racy, gently ask him a few questions about his fantasies, what turns him on, or what he likes about you sexually. Guys enjoy a little dirty talk so show him you’re up for it too.
Ask About His Best Buddies
Find out who his best friends are and ask about their funny stories. Learn their names and what they all like to do together. This will totally show you another side of him and will help you learn more about your guy as well.
What to Talk About on the Phone with Your Crush
Tell Him Who You Are
Remind him briefly about yourself and when you two first met. It’s good to reboot that feeling you both had when you first met and bring back the memory of what attracted you to one another in the first place.
Tell Him What You Like About Him
Was it his eyes or his smile? What was it that stood out to you on your first meeting? Tell him what you like about him and give him a few compliments. If all goes well, he’ll do the same.
Ask About His Hobbies and Be Interested
When trying to figure out what to talk about on the phone with your crush, one of the best ways is to learn the things he cares about. Tell him you think his interests are cool and that you would want to learn more together. Set it up so he can invite you along.
Sneak Out Hints About Yourself
The goal is to set up a date where you can really dive into learning about each other, so start with little bits and pieces about things you like doing and leave him wanting more. Then say something like, “well I guess next time you’ll get to find out…”
Set the Date Before Ending the Call
He may be struggling to ask you out again, so be clear and tell him you want to see him some time soon. If he feels the same level of interest, he will surely set a date to see you. On the other hand, if the guy won't set a date to meet again, you can come to the conclusion that he isn’t interested in you. Accept the fact and find ways to move on.
Be Brief and Light
There’s no need to talk about everything in one call, so keep things open and save material for the next time. It always helps to use some small excuse to get you off the phone without offending him; he needs to know your world doesn’t revolve around him.
Questions to Make a Conversation Flow on the Phone
16 Light-Hearted Questions to Talk About
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Do you like to exercise?
Are you neat or messy?
What is your favorite movie of all time?
What is the one weirdest thing about you?
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Do you have any tattoos?
What kind of music do you like?
What food could you not live without?
Share a secret.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What kind of super power do you wish you had?
If you had to choose, would you pick beer, wine, or coffee?
Where do you want to travel?
Ever have a nickname?
Share an embarrassing moment.
16 Questions That Show Intimacy
What are you most proud of?
What is important to you right now?
What was it like to grow up in your hometown?
Tell me about the best Christmas morning you ever had?
Are you closer to your mom or dad?
Who has had the greatest impact on your life?
What would your friends say your three best qualities are?
Are you romantic?
Tell me about your best friend.
Are you close to your family?
What are some of your passions?
What’s your current goal?
Tell me about your family.
What was your first car?
Has a book ever changed your life?
What is your biggest insecurity?
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