Maybe you’ve already expressed your love and tell him how much you’re willing to experience that love on his birthday. Following unique and enticing birthday messages for boyfriend may start to get the blood flowing.

10 Naughty Birthday Messages for Boyfriend
Since it’s your birthday, I have every excuse to shower you with plenty of bear hugs and a plethora of French kisses. Time to have some fun, birthday boy!
Another sweet nothing whispered in the ear, another hug and kiss to bring good cheer, perhaps there’s time for even more for the birthday boy. Happy Birthday!
Close your eyes and make a wish, who knows which one of those dreams may just come true tonight. Love you and cannot wait to spend more time with you! Happy Birthday!
You give me everything you have, and it simply makes me want more of what you have to offer. Love every moment of our lives together. Happy Birthday!
No birthday is complete without a few wishes, so wish for me and you shall receive all the love I have to give. Happy Birthday!
It’s your birthday today, so we must make love in order to fill your day with romance and an experience you will always remember. Happy Birthday!
Since words simply cannot accurately express all the love I have for you, I will show you through my actions just what I mean to you. Time for some romance, birthday boy.
While love may not have conquered the world just yet, I do believe it is time that your love conquered me. Happy Birthday!
We all know you need to have a HAPPY birthday, so what can we do today to make it the perfect and happiest birthday you have ever had?
I may have only gotten you this card, but your real gift is waiting for the right time, at just the right place. Can’t wait to wish you the best Happy Birthday!
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